zondag 30 augustus 2020

A bit of recycling never harmed anyone, did it now?

 I barely surf online anymore, I removed a good 2/3rd of all of my FB groups as there is only so much time in a day and after 8-9 hours behind a desk and my PC.....you kind don't want to sit here for another 3-4 hours. But I ran into this pic:

Sadly I cannot for the life of me remember who made it. I liked the idea, not so much the pristine barrel and GW style blood.

So....made my own. Bit more like what I'm used to blood wise (please don't ask) and should come in useful someday. Or not. It was fun to paint again, and finish something. I'll focus more on these little things for a while. Sorry if it is a bit too graphic for some....it's a gamepiece, nothing else.

And my God is my camera and light combo a big pile of steaming......ugh

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Looks wonderful. Good idea with getting rid of the extra computer-based distractions (hopefully that doesn't mean your blog - which I've been reading for years). I hope the work is going well, and that COVID hasn't impacted you too badly.

    1. No, the Blog can stay. Was surpsied they overhauled the format though. Well, Covid...it actually means I work overtime almost every week so not complaining besides not really having time left in a day to do hobby related stuff.

  2. Any update from you is a welcome one, the 'blood barrel' looks good regardless of pic quality.

    1. Thx Ragsta :) Crossed into the 50 hour work week dimension for the past weeks and it is killing me tbh. No time left, or energy. Really want a day off now just to do anything Hobby right now....

  3. Ben je helemaal gestopt? Ik lees al sinds augustus niks meer van je, dus gaat het nog wel goed met je? Is het alleen maar geen puf of ben je ziek? Ik begin me als lezer zorgen te maken :-)

    1. De hobby staat momenteel op een erg laag pitje. Zoals je misschien gelezen hebt werk ik momenteel op de Covid-19 testlijn en naast dat het daar heel druk is ben ik ook bezig geweest met ondersteuning van collega's en Supervisors. Zoveel zelfs dat ik recentelijk overgestapt van Agent naar Support Agent om zoveel mogelijk nieuwe mensen te kunnen trainen om de telefoonlijnen te bemannen. Mijn hobbykamer is nu mijn kantoor en de 50+ uur die ik er nu doorbreng laat mij weinig fut om nog veel hobbymatige dingen te doen eerlijk gezegd. Maar met mijn handicaps heb ik niet veel keus en doe ik nu zoveel mogelijk ervaring en kennis op om ook na Pandemie vanuit huis te kunnen werken als coach en leraar.

      De hobby komt wel weer, die loopt echt niet weg :)

  4. very gruesome I must say.....

    sucks that your creative space has been taken over as your office, after spending all day in there sucks the energy away from any creativity that is for sure.

    All the best

    French Wargame Holidays

    1. Still trying to find that balance between learning, working, my family and the hobby. Will be doing a scheduled painting session tonight with a friend to kickstart painting again. I plan a lot for work etc, why not for the hobby?
