woensdag 15 maart 2017

I have just doubled the amount of peasants in my village!

From 1 to 2 :D This farmer can afford 2 rooms in his house..... I've noticed I'm copying heavily from Jimbibbly's work (well, the models he sells at Oshiro), so much so, that I have cancelled my order with Warlord for the house, rice stores (and oild drums). I feel that the 200 Pounds spent there is better sent to Oshiro for things like lanterns etc, and I'm perfectly capable of producing my own quality buildings for a lot less and to my personal taste and style.

I just realised I will also need to build a few outhouses....

Other then that, nothing new. I picked up a few more broken toy trucks, and salvaged the wheels and useful parts, and part of my Caliver order arrived today, a box of PSC A9 Cruisers and a box of 25 Pounders. Sadly, this meant 1 box is on backorder but that is for my late War English so no problem there. Also, I seem to have collected all the aircraft I need for the British and German in the Desert now but I will do a post on that at a later date. Right now I'm working on building number 3 and I already fucked up one wall so yeah.....(managed to fix it though).

13 opmerkingen:

  1. Those are very impressive looking forward to seeing those painted up. I can we why you don't need to order any.

    1. Not sure about the painting part yet, but yes, scenery is so easy to build and with little money....it just takes a lot of time.

  2. Reacties
    1. Thx bud. You finding time to make stuff lately?

    2. Not much time, School is taking over much of my time. But I am currently working on a World war 2 US army Pacific war force. And collecting Empress miniatures indo-china and late war GIs for a future project.

  3. good example of the fact that many things can be made most but not to buy in shop

  4. No need to buy when you got the skills to create these excellent looking houses.
    You could even make a business out of it.

    1. Yeah, let's not go there....I will make these 3 and then start on some fencing and vegetable patches and see where it goed from there. In theory I could make them for money but the smallest one in resisn costs 10 Pounds already. Sure, it's only 30 cents in materials, but a couple of hours in labour, and I'm way too fickle anyway :D

  5. Very impressive! And you seem to enjoy the build process as well?
    Have you got samurai minis already?

    1. Yup, just doing a bit here and there, and since I'm doing it on the fly I never know what I will end up with. Just the Bushi Buntai and the Bandit Buntai boxes sofar, and nothing is painted.

  6. These are looking fantastic! You're re-igniting my samurai itch (there's a mixed metaphor for you!)

    1. If you are experiencing a painful, stabbing, burning sensation, it might be time to see a doctor :D
