donderdag 14 maart 2019

Yes, even more bleedin bricks...

....but now painted and finished. Well, the first ruin needs a bit more dust to tie it in, but that is for tomorrow. Done for today, and the scenery size reference is a Genestealer on a 32mm base.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. They look magnificent! Generic enough to be put on almost any table without falling out of tone, while still visually attractive and drawing the attention.

    1. Yup, that was the plan. Generic, not for any scale perse, not for any location or time period. Keepers, I say :)

  2. Fantastic. Very envious of your ability to churn this stuff out. I must investigate foam cutters.

    1. Be prepared to invest though. The Proxxon foam cutting table is very good, but the guide on the table is pretty naff ao replace that. Then invest in a food pedal for more control. And more guides from Shifting Lands. And try and find the foam!
