donderdag 19 september 2024

First industrial buildings for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (WIP)

 Last week I built 2 more Sarissa Precision buildings (the water tower and one of the factory side buildings) and after giving them enough time to dry and set and a few small details, gave them 2 nice coats of sponged primer yesterday. Started doing the basics today and they are now going back in a box till the weekend I think. Small steps and all that. 

Used the MENG pipeset to add a bit of detail as well as scratchbuilding a (not 100% succesful) light at the door of the water tower. Star was added with the usual punch. Weathering and minor detailling is up next.

Got inspired as well by a building that I saw online and which is next up on my to build list. Very nice weathered paintjob too!

It's from here: Zona Alfa: Play Metro 2033, But With Miniatures!

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