donderdag 27 februari 2020

Clean Desk Policy

Slowly moving stuff up into the attic storage space. Tired from everything, and having a shot fuse makes a not very fun Johan. Can't wait till the old room is cleaned out so we can start rebuilding it for Nikki, and I have a ton of sorting to do.

Till then, I'm enjoying my new desk space, but I really need to find a webcam with a decent mike so I can do more voice to text as my hands are killing me. And yes, I realize I'm very lucky to have such a fantastic space. Just sometimes wish that the reason I have been able to pay for all of this had never happend, as sometimes it is just too much and the pills cannot dull the pain.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow! Looks great, and that light from the window should be excellent for painting.

    1. 3 metres of unobstructed daylight, and with the sun not shining in directly after 11-ish perfect painting light :)

  2. Looking great and so much daylight.

  3. Looks fabulous mate, I wish I could keep mine clean, too many projects in the go I guess!


    1. Come back in a month, lets see if it is still so clean. But with no storage boxes etc on the actual desk, the urge to make a mess should be....less?
