woensdag 7 augustus 2024

Back in the saddle

 Right, the GI's are on track and can wait for a few days till I clean all the bases.

Grabbed some scenery for 28mm Stalker I had been working on before the move. I finally found a proper star punch at the Goodwill a few weeks back so I put that to good use (and found out my big round punch is on it's last legs so need to keep a lookout for those). Used that for the monument (basically a sports throphy with the tacky symbol (literally a sticker) and the much too big base removed). Will be painted concrete and weather paint as just another of the gazillion ones you see around Russia. LOS blocker and all that.

Also finished the sanding work on the 15mm Gazebo dome. And then decideed to fill in the MDF connectors between the panel sides as well but that's for another day.

 I picked up a resin ruin for a fiver, what turned out to be a Conflix model. Could have fooled me, the cast is so crappy I took it for a fishtank model. It's really weird on the inside, where the mould was, very haphazard and rough sharp casting remains. I took a bit of time and plugged in foam inserts in spots I want to fill up, and added hot glue to fix that all in place so I have a good base to start Milliput work sealing up the openings I don't need and add a bit of a platform on the inside where I do need it. Not that any 28mm model will fit inside, but picked this purely up as decorative scenery, and with 2 or maybe 3 exit/infil points for monsters or what not. Cut and sanded a base for it and glued it down with hotglue cause did I mention the thing is warped too? Hotglue is the great equalizer and a lot cheaper than epoxy for this. Gaps on the base will be filled in with Milliput as well. No rush on this one, will come in handy for Frostgrave, Silver Bajonet, the Last War, my Quar, Mordheim. Eventually.

I picked up several of of the SP Guard Houses. Simple kits, cheap, with great conversion potential.


When my built one came out of storage I noticed the roof was badly warped. I looked at ways to fix it but in the end decided not to bother and just make a new roof. I've got the skills and the tools, and in an hour I punched out this. Scrap foam, ribbed card and a strip of plain cardboard forma  cereal box. Didn't go all out for the panels, I can just paint them that way. Added a star was well, but won't paint it too overly Russian. Red star and some baby blue details. A few scrap Russian newspapers around, and when I finally get furniture for it that can get the same treatment. Roof can be reversed to change the look a bit, always nice to increase usability. I found some proper thick transparancies so might even glass the windows.

And cause I could, I grabbed some 15mm railing that I cut of from the 15mm factory add ons and changed that into a steel grate door with kick panels. Just need to find my bag with fine metal chain that hasn't popped up after the move (yet) to put a chain lock on that door. 

The side is open and will stay that way, I have a seperate fence planned on that side.

Today was a good day :)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Really like the new roof.

    Glad that you are able to do more hobby stuff with your health as it is.



    1. Thx Pete! Won't be doing much this week, In the 30's again for half of it and asking the guys to be we would just melt. Last week of the summer holiday as well, after that back to the school routine. And hopefully a steady hobby routine :)
