donderdag 29 augustus 2024

Concept test - concrete post perimeter fence for Stalker

 While I was cutting holes in bases for the 15mm fences I was looking at some of the wooden bits in big box of wood stuff, and suddenly had a epiphany. Glue 2 of them together and they resemble those old fashioned concrete posts I'm used to seeing at various factory and defence locations.

So, while I was working anyway, a bit of glue, a spare base and some time later....

10 inch base. Nothing is fixed so it is a bit wobbly, but you get the idea. Nice and imposing, quick to build in a factory line,waste is absolutely minimal. You can replace the wire with cut fly screen if that is your thing, or hang that metal gauze stuff from it. I'm thinking of adding a roll of concertina barbed wire on top.

I think I will make a tutorial for this, easy as it is, and I think I have a way of making these in 15mm as well, so that is even better.

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