vrijdag 13 september 2024

All fenced in - first metre of barrier fence S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ready for basing and clean up.

 ...but man is it a lot of work....

But an hour of this, and an hour of that here and there and we are making progress.

Doesn't look like a lot though, does it? 4x straight 25cm sections and, 3x 90 degree corners and 1x 135 degree corner. Just realised I need to cut 4x 45 degree corners as well to even it out, I forgot those...but no rush.

dinsdag 10 september 2024

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. building supplies

 Received a nice parcel today with more scatter and trim for STALKER. Should keep me busy for a bit. Also completely stripped down a H0 locomotive shelter and reglueing all the joints. This will be rebuilt into a 28mm scenery piece but that is going to take a while.

Was really looking forward to these parts, that pipeline set alone is worth it. So many parts!

zondag 8 september 2024

Crisis 2024 loot

 Took a trip to Crisis 2024, together with the girls. They managed to keep themselves going for over 3 hours, colour me impressed. They each got a Primaris Marine so we will paint that the next weekend they are over. Emma even bought a blister of Dolphins....cause she likes Dolphins. Best reason I'd say.

It was nice to talk to the old guard, people I had not seen in a long time. The new place looks great, spacious. Plenty of vendors, even if there were a few cancellations that dropped the entry fee down from 12 to 10 Euros. Quite a bit of choice but not nearly as much as the old Crisis, but I wasn't expecting that. A lot of gaming tables but not crowded at all. Nice variety too.

My purchase goal for the day was 28mm scenery for Stalker, 28mm trees and nothing 15mm. Well.....that dind't quite pan out. 

  • Scavengers II for Stargrave/Stalker, had my eye on this one for a while. 
  • Silver Bayonet Carpathia and vampires, the Forest Witch and a blister of Cultists. These were from a pre order I made, on the show I saw hardly any SB stuff.  Only 1 seller had a few warbands that I could see, and he had no sales/discount. Saw quite a few plastic army boxes suitable for them but buying a 30 euro box with 40 troops of which you need just a few.... (says the man who routinely buys boxes for just that reason)
  •  Gravestones....as I can't find my bag
  • Tents....for a Stalker camp. 
  • Large scrap piles from Kraken Wargames at 50% off.  For my Postapoc collection. They had some nice bags of barricades as well, but even at 50% off these were expensive....and I think I prefer to make my own anyway. Eventually.

I found no 28mm scenery for Stalker that I liked. Some printed stuff, but with (for me) too prominent lines. The MDF choices were limited to mostly Western and what I already have. Foam I can make my own. Trees, I only saw the same stuff. Plastic stem, reindeer moss for the shape and coated with flock. Not my thing. 

Well, 15mm then.

  • 40% off on PSC kits if I'd buy 5 kits. You always need trucks, more AT guns are always useful, if only for the towed versions and a box of 38(t) for my future. Pity that yet again, no Russian trucks to be found anywhere.
  • 40% discount on all Nam stuff at one shop, seller was kind enough to discount it even more to 5 euros per blister when I took his entire stock of T-34M's....cause I love the T-34 with starfish roadwheels. I want a small stash so I can build them for Iraq, the PLO, AK-47 etc. I doubt Battlefront will ever release these in plastic.....but a man can dream

No where near my usual amount, half of it is just for stock now, the other half I can get working on next week.

After that a quick trip to a Delhaize supermarket to get the kids some Eclairs (not for me, I got pickled flavoured crisps and a big bottle of French herbes cause I'm weird like that - crisps for eating and harbs as forest floor scatter) and then gassed up the car with some much needed and much cheaper Belgian gas and went home again. Spent almost 4 hours driving back and forth, including the traffic jams due to work on the Belgian roads. Like war, that also never changes.

Kids are beat, I'm beat, and a lovely day of nothing tomorrow.

donderdag 5 september 2024

Mixed messages

 Quiet evening doing some decalwork, and suddenly you think.....what message am I sending?