maandag 10 februari 2025

Nam'68 Dice, Token and Counter bag

 Finished a little thing to keep it all sorted.

Patch I picked up from a collector, lower half of a old pair of green hiking pants reworked by a local seamstress, a button from a swapmeet and a bit of black marker.

Next up is glueing and revarnishing all of the Tokens onto old wooden Scrabble tiles and also finding my sets of dice I have set aside for the bag.

zaterdag 8 februari 2025

LAF BSC 2025 - Backwater Ferry - Framing the Ferry

 Just a progress shot. Sanded, connected and glued the framing together made from discarded fireworks, then sanded both sides a as flat as possible. Now I can start adding the plastic card decking, the extensions, the cabin, engines and the workings for the front ramp.


3 weeks for this and the paintjob, and I have 2 other projects running simultaniously. Better get cracking.

maandag 3 februari 2025

Oh (Scratchbuilt) Well WIP

 After visiting Ikea last weekend with one of my daughters I picked up a small cardboard tube in the plastic plants section. (I fought her for it and I won :P )

With a base, some card, a paperclip, aluminium tubing and some copper wire I made a Russian Village Well for Stalker. 3/4 with painting that I started at tonights online painting session. 2 hours well spent. 

Tomrrow (I hope) final detailing, weathering and plantlife.

zondag 2 februari 2025

Anything is a ... if you are brave enough.


Recently saw a post on the LAF with some nice scifi scatter that inspired me to make my own. I could not find any decent parts till I found this for 2 euros in the toy section, a nice hard plastic too.

After some cutting, basing and adding a few bolts on the inside for weight and some light detailing on the outside I got this:

The tops of the rocket boosters will be finished another day, I'm not happy with how they turned out. But the others are just lovely, so enjoy. I'll be dual using these for 15mm and 28mm.

Old statues and a Sarcophagus

 I had based and cleaned up quite a while ago a few of the old plastic GW LotR statues and thought it a good time to paint it up. Dropped in a Sarcophagus from Frontline as well, from their 25mm Musketeer Range, set MR6 Graveyard. Tufts are from a lot of different sources.

The advantage of graves and statues is that you can use them for almost all periods, from old to new and future even. Right, enough for today, on with the next.

vrijdag 31 januari 2025

And then this flew in...

 Had nice stroke of luck and found this for sale for a tenner in the next village over. Props are missing but I can fix this. Nice heavy diecast and perfect for 28mm Pulp. 

Now to look for better paintjobs than this weak horse piss advert it is carrying.

vrijdag 24 januari 2025

LAF BSC 2025 - Backwater Ferry - Sketches

 After today's vehicle base cutting session I've been working on the plans for the Ferry. One 3 cars long, one 2 cars long. I'm not building 2, I just want to get a feel which one would suit me best.

Plans are 1:1 scale, base sizes I've taken from AK-47 (if I understand them correctly)

1 ramp will be fixed, the other I'll try and make foldable just for funsies. Middle section will be planked wood and/or metal. Engines will either be covered or in the open, might use some 1/72 inline aircraft engines from the scrap box as the base for them. 

15mm Car Park?

 Not a dig at Flames of War or anything, but a relaxed afternoon cutting and cleaning bases for the box of 15mm cars I have. Basing these up for AK-47, Nam 68 and Northag. A few of these will be 15mm renditions of earlier 20mm models I made in the past 15 years

dinsdag 21 januari 2025

LAF BSC 2025 - Backwater Ferry - Change of Heart

 Had a few good hard thinks, and dumped my original idea overboard. I would be using almost all the parts of the original kit and that's not in the spirit of the challenge....I'll save all of the part for a later date though. 

So, going for something smaller that will be almost completely scratchbuilt, and also a Ferry.

So, something more basic. Plasticcard pontoons, wooden platform, some H0 spare bits for the cabin and engine pod. Enough room for a tank so the deck space will be 4cm wide at least.

zondag 19 januari 2025 15mm Landing Pad and Ramp - Built, painted and reviewed.

 The Warbases 15mm Starbase 962 range has some nice bits of kit, including the very versatile Landing Pad and Ramp. I picked up 2 of these in my pre Xmas spend of 2024 and built one pretty quickly after that to see if it would work for 28mm as well. And it does, quite well actually. 

Landing Pad and Ramp

Quite affordable, it sets you back 6.67 GBP and for that you get a platform, 4 legs and a ramp. This also means build time is quick, with most spent on the 4 know what I mean. It comes with no pre lasered numbers or markings so anything goes and you can easily paint it up to match your table, scenery collection or even force. I went for a basic weathered grey, yellow trim, a simple code and some wear and tear...negating the rust for a change. KISS was the motto this time so weathering was minimal (for me).

I left the ramp seperate as that helps with storage and I think it is meant that way, but don't quote me on that. If the pictures make you feel it isn't completely straight, trust me, it is. While assembling it I put it all on a glass plate and a bit of weight on top to make sure it set as flat as possible. But my large cutting mat will never ever lay flat, no matter what I do.

Using some 28mm scenic items to show it works fine for 28mm as well. The Buzz Lightyear Fighter makes for a great Point Defence Fighter in 28mm, the weathered blue green scenery in the back of the shot is from Games Workshop, the orange and green canister are Ainsty's 28m  Upright Octagonal Containers and the blocks in front are from a Jenga set with a coating of wall filler and 2 paperclips to turn into cheap barriers. The 28mm drone and the 2 metal barrels on the platform are scratchbuilt.

Using some 15mm scenic items to show it works for the itended sale of 15mm. The Buzz Lightyear Fighter makes for a great (Heavy) Fighter in 15mm. The orange and green canister are Ainsty's 28mm  Upright Octagonal Containers that work great as heavy cargo for 15mm, and the block in front is from a Jenga set with a coating of wall filler and 2 paperclips to turn into a cheap barrier. The 2 metal barrels on the platform are scratchbuilt. The yellow robot is a not AT-AT walker from Germy's 3mm range, sold through these days as the Mercenary Heavy Mech GMM-334 with some minor modifications,  the 2 robots on the platform are from, the small one from the SG15-V13 pack with a scratchbuilt cooler added to have my own 15mm Wall-E, and the bigger one is the big humanoid droid from the SG15-V16 pack.

Everything was paid for with my own money, no freebies here. I can really reccomend this, affordable, easy and quick to build and paint and should fit fine into your 15, 20 or 28mm collection.

Oh, and for that one person wondering where I got the ramp code from.....

...the license plate of the car that was parked next to mine on my lastest Hospital visit. Inspiration can be so simple :)

vrijdag 17 januari 2025

A bit more work on the Radio Bunker

 I had 2 hospital appointments today so had a bit of time to kill in the afternoon. And to cheer me up a bit, as my Health Bingo card now has Tinnitus crossed off as well......Gotta catch em all should not be my theme for ailments.....

Anyway, a lot more work done on the Radio Bunker. A lot more to do (inside, radio mast, details, base) but pretty happy sofar.

donderdag 16 januari 2025

LAF BSC 2025 - Backwater Ferry - The inspiration - Maputo Ferries

 After doing a bit more research and picture gathering I found out the Ferry I have chosen isn't a single one, but a few of them sailing from Maputo, Mozambique. They have various type of wear, and they are different ships but the basics are the same.Still not 100% sure this is the best idea, but it is a nice big piece that will fit in well with AK-47.

maandag 13 januari 2025