dinsdag 21 januari 2025

LAF BSC 2025 - Backwater Ferry - Change of Heart

 Had a few good hard thinks, and dumped my original idea overboard. I would be using almost all the parts of the original kit and that's not in the spirit of the challenge....I'll save all of the part for a later date though. 

So, going for something smaller that will be almost completely scratchbuilt, and also a Ferry.

So, something more basic. Plasticcard pontoons, wooden platform, some H0 spare bits for the cabin and engine pod. Enough room for a tank so the deck space will be 4cm wide at least.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I will be following your project. Should be a great wargaming piece for the tabletop!

    1. Thx! I just hope I won't get distracted again like always....😐
