Right, the 30 day challenge is over, and I've spent almost the entire week after clearing, cleaning and sorting. Atm my room looks like this:

Hobby Desk and 10 little Moppe. I have 13 now, plus 4 precursors and 3 non Ikea ones of about the same size :) The Alex is one I picked up on saturday for 30 euros after taking a small break when cleaning and seeing a FB post pop up in a local salesgroup. As these cost 100 euros new and are perfect for painted miniatures storage, I jumped on it. And the grey Helmer will be joined by a white one that I will pick up tomorrow afternoon. Yes, that will mean the entire table is blocked....it's the sacrifice I'm making to make sure I max out on storage space in what little room I have. As all 3 cabinets are wheeled I can just roll them aside when I want to paint or use the airbrush....I don't like doing either in front of the PC anyway, I need to focus and the light is better on that end. For now, the 3 cabinets will be just for the small for sale stuff so I can just grab it when it is sold and put new stuff in that is listed, all in one place. The yellow labels are bits I need to sort into sell, trash or store.

Computer Desk (+ Hobby Desk while running Netflix or Youtube) with Red cabinet that houses all of my Airbrush stuff (airbrush, paints and compressor plus all the tools needed). Doubles as a mobile tray to put my keyboard on when doing hobby stuff in front of the PC. My main Whiteboard is on the right...I still need to mount up 2 rails beside it so I can store my games mats there. To be quite honest I might remove it altogether.....I'm not using it for any real purpose, I just stick on stuff I find interesting. Might replace the half size half width cabinet with a half widt full size then, and a topper, and shelves next to it to have a better place for my printer and other stuff to clear my PC desk some more. I would like to get my PC off the floor.
Storage Cabinets with Daily Notice Board for home, training, sales etc. The one of the right has all my spare parts and resin and metal kits waiting for me, the left one is mostly plastic kits now.
Battletable / Holding Area for sold items or items that need to be photographed for sale. All that stuff needs to be gone this week, completely cleared just like the floor.
Random thoughts whiteboard - needs to be stripped down this week in preparation for brainstorming the next term after the holiday. Too cluttered as well. Yech.
3 of my 4 Alexes and my PSC/FtF and S-Models stash. having the black boxes upthere is not perfect but it will have to do for now. The rails are for adding storage space above the door, as I can fit 6-7 Pappe upthere and that would be perfect for my collection of houses and foamscenery (current and future).
Storage Cabinet and Paint Cabinet. Also Blog Whiteboard with my planned topics and my Hobby Whiteboard with things I need to buy or sell (long term planning). Storage cabinet is a unsorted mess that does not have the highes priority right now but it is a mix of finished, unfinished and God knwos what stuff that is an eyesore to me. The Purchase board (or better said the "I'd like to have" - Board makes it very easy to put my needs on a board. I'm perfectly happy waiting for a convention where a certain trader will attend, or add up things over time from a single seller so I can do a more economical order (shipping cost wise).
I've worked my ass off this week, Kim is extremely happy and she really hopes I will keep everything as clean as possible. As do I! I have to put up some sort of Clean Desk policy that triggers me when either I get in the room, want to leave it or both. I'll work on that tomorrow. Something else Kim is very happy with is this:
This is attatched to the door to my Hobby room. Stemming = Mood. Green, yellow or red smiley. I think it speaks for itself. This way Kim knows how I'm feeling before she comes in, if she comes in at all, as I'm not very good at communicating how I feel (yes, odd, innit? I have no such trouble Blogging about it, but, I'll be damned if I can manage that face to face with my wife). Underneath I write down my goal(s) for that week. Simple, a tad childish even, but it seems to work.
I did take out some time to do hobby stuff as well. Cobbled together a Pegasus T-34/85, gave it a metal barrel, and didn't use the outer roadwheels but replaced them with the T-55 roadwheels from the PST kit. This way it represents a T-34/85M and it and the second one I will build this week will go straight into my Yugoslavia box. The second box of 2 T-34's will be built as is and will go into my Lebanon pile as PLO tanks. It nees some work before it is finished, like handrails and a mount for a .50 cal.

Second thing I built is the Italeri Church I picked up a couple of weeks ago. It is BIG! Then again, it is a church, so what do you expect. It works for quite a few spots around the Mediterranian, though mine is intended for Yugoslavia (WW2 and Modern) as well as Italy (when we get there book wise). I glued the entire thing shut and did not close up the windows for a change. It's suitable dark inside that it just looks lack and that is fine for me. The bell tower roof lifts off so you can put a figure in there if you wanted to. Might look nice in pictures but not really needed right now. I finished filling all the slits today and I just need to magnetize the spot where the cross will fit. The kit one is very weedy and will most likely break by just looking at it. I'll make a second mounting point on the bell tower top, then make and base 2 crosses and magnetise the undersides. That way, if someone knocks it it will just come off without breaking.
And that is it really. I could start about the Photobucket thing again, but when I started looking at my older Blogposts a ton of the mostly older ones are completely gutted so I will have to look into it. Eventually.
And with final note, I've been soda free for over a week now. My body stopped asking for it after a few days and I now have more energy, but as soon as I feel a bit sad or stressed I can practically hear my brain screaming for it. That should be gone in another 2 weeks. This time I will not make any exceptions. No soda what so ever, diet, sugerafree or whatever. Atm it's just tea, water and water with a couple of drops of syrup in it and nothing else. I'm not even having sugar in my tea, or milk.....I've become so uncivilised :)
And a second, final note, as my PC tends to pack up around once or twice an evening I've been on the hunt for a second hand Gaming PC. Not because I want to game, but those tend to be much better equipped for the needs I have for a PC that a standard office desktop like the one I have now just cannot handle. After complaining to Kim about my PC for the 1000nd time, I went online to Marktplaats and found a single one with very nice stats (as in way, way better then the wreck I have now) and managed to talk him down to 200 euros. 5 years old, good enough for the next 2-3 years I guess (hope). it's abit of a drive, but I can pick it up on tuesday evening. Fortunately I sold 100 euros worth of storage boxes last week so at least half of it is funded......it just means I have to list even more stuff this week to make up for it.
Right, a test exam tomorrow to see how well I know my stuff, and then I have the rest of the week to train myself before the final exam before the holiday starts, and after that only 2 more exams and them I'm done :)