zondag 6 oktober 2024

One is not like the others

 I ordered some items from Warlord last week and they arrived yesterday at dinner time. After clean up and the kids starting movie night I grabbed the Sarissa bunker set I set to work. I'm liking these, quick to build, good fit, the moveable door is a nice plus. Lift off roof gives acces to a 60mm circle inside to fit in a HMG team of your choosing....not for me, but again a nice feature.

Again, fit is great, it takes only a little bit of force to make the parts slot together an after that glueing in the card strips solidifies everything. Rubber band in place to make it even easier (tip: watch where the glue goes, don't glue the rubber band in place ....)

Made the doors left and right swinging on purpose, and you can easily do this on this kit, which is a nice bonus. Not that it really matters, but hey, options!

In my plans I only ever need 2 bunkers, so what to do with the third? Well, it's brick (the other 2 are concrete), has small ports and a steel door....and I've been in plenty electrical and telecom buildings just like that, so transmitter base it is. A quick rummage in the parts bin for a real metal H0 pylon that I picked up a box full of a few years ago for next to nothing for the transmitter tower. Using offcuts from the thin strip of card that held the card parts for these bunkers I turned 3 of the openings into vents (electrical stuff needs to breathe with all of the heat). Did the same with the door after turning the door upside down (again, venting), added a doorknob and drilled through the top to glue and screw the tower in place.

Slice to size, shove in place, add superglue, vents it is.

And at 0:00 stop the clock. An evening well spent. Need to trim and sand the base on the transmitter as well, add superglue to the cardboard rim (helps against fraying when painting) and go over them one more time to see if I missed anything. Primer next week I suppose. 

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