zondag 8 oktober 2017

Siegfried Line, double the pleasure

Managed to make a deal for another 5 boxes of Defences afterv selling off some of my old painted work.....was it worth it? I think so.

Currently I have 90 inches of double tooth line, 6 45 degree corners and 4 90 degree corners. Last to make is 2 gates, 2 destroyed sections and 2 bulldozed sections (though I might skip the last 2). I might have a deal with someone for a load of scrap and that includes a bag of these defences, so I might be able to get it up to 120 inches in total. We'll see.

What's this then? A Trumpeter StuG IIIC top half mounted on a PSC StuG III body as I want a C Lang for my 1945 Germans. It has taken a lot of eyeballing but surprisingly little mod work to get it to fit (for the most part). The front section does have some isses, but nothing a fw lengths of track and sand bags won't be able to fix of this old banger. Other details need to be filled/fixed, but I'm in no rush with her.

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