I picked up 2x Airstream Trailer (28mm) for my TNT Trailer park, 1x Russian Dacha (20mm) and Russian Timber townhouse (20mm) to go with my Russian collection for WW2/Modern (of which, to date.....nothing is built?)
I had planned to take a rest with my hands as ye olde hands are giving me all sorts of trouble, but when this lot arrived today I really want to stick to my guns......MDF gets built, Resin gets washed and based (and nothing for plastic as I've been selling a ton of that, not buying any new).

Building an MDF kit isn't hard, take your time and dryfit after cleaning the parts, then glue and do it 1 step at a time. I'm using my knock off Mod Podge for it, for the drying time mostly and ease of use.
Rubber bands are your friend in this case, it makes sure you get a nice bond on all the curves. And this has a lot of curves.
Even with my hands as they are, I made this in a bout 3 hours (so you people with functioning hands shoudl have it done in 60 minutes or so) as it's not a ton of parts you have to put together.
I did make 2 changes, the gastanks as supplied are a bit too basic for me, but that is why I picked up the Zinge small gastanks as it just looks better. And a Zinge breezeblock to support it as the cruciform stick that comes with it is a bit bare. I'm also looking at replacing the ventilation thingamajig on top with something else. Oh, the door doesn't come with a doorknob, but from the picture on the website I can guess they used the round punch outs from the trailer frame as a knob. Works fine, so I will do that too.
To ensure a long life, both of these will be based, and put in my Post Apoc collection. Not sure when I have these finished.
All in all, a nice little kit for the 9 Euros it costs (when writing this), and for that, you get a nice caravan you can use as is, with other caravans, as an objective or as a LOS blocker, and equally at home on a Cold War, Zombie War or Post Apoc table.