zondag 16 maart 2025

A lovely day out - Visiting the TSA Bring and Buy on the 16th of March 2025 - a nice haul

 After a very epxneisve month sofar (more about that later this month) I thought it be a good idea to visit the BnB to see if I could find some stuff suitable for my Stalker project. And maybeee look at some other stuff as well.


28mm M113, possibly as a TW:2K wreck. Maybe. It has potential.

28mm M40. Put it in in a sand bag bunker and it will work for everyone.

Older Nids make great aliens for Stargrave etc. 6 for the Ravener and 7 for the Guard was a steal.

20 for a box of Ork bikes. I can never say no to Orks (not that they would understand, but hey)

3D printed and painted T-34/76 in 28mm. Make a concrete plinth for it, weather it some more and add crap, et voila, another piece for Stalker. Hard cover for 5 euros :P

Things you never find these days, these will come in perfect for Post Apocalypse, Stalker, etc. 5 each, also a good deal. 

5 euros for a sprue of Winter FJ from Warlord. Why not, if just for the conversion potential

15 euros for those Necorumda Ash Wastes Hellmites. Sans riders will make nice beats to wander the table in Stargrave or TnT.

Should fit my 15mm Bundeswehr I think. Got it for a fiver as I was staring too hard (or the seller wanted to be rid of it)

12mm static grass, should come in handy for hay etc. 2 euros for a whole bag.

28mm ruined house that should fit right in my Mordheim collection, and that for 8 euros.

Dust Nissen Hut for a fiver. Super useful kit. Stalker, Post apoc etc.

Frostgrave Nullmen. Paint white, add a glowing green wash....Glowing Ones? Fiver again.

Been eyeing the Cargo ship for a while now, so 20 for that and the dock combined, why not. Should fit Stalker as well.

Iron Hands 30K decalsheet for 5 euros, unused. I just really like Iron Hands, so....

Picked up 2 of these rather large appartment complexes at 25 each. Seller had a third, which he even discounted for me, but these are so big and will take me quite some time to prep and paint....a good 2 months each at my current pace I think. Made by Knights of Dice, now defunct as a shop IIRC. Must have cost a sheer fortune to have those shipped over from Oz, and I intend to do them right....massive job though.

For comparison, left bottom is the Sarissa Ambassadors Residence for scale. Well, for those people that actually own that model as well, the rest of you will just have to guesstimate. I will need to measure them now and see what kind of RUB will fit these as none of my current ones do, except the really big ones....which feels like overkill.

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