maandag 17 maart 2025

Entries for the 2025 Special Objective Build - Robert Poulton "Small Shanty Town"

  The contest is finished, and these are the entries. Name of the maker, name of the build, backstory and  details about the construction have been added, if available

(These are not presented in order of Alfabet or Publication btw, and each gets their own Blogpost)

 Robert Poulton "Small Shanty Town"

This is a small shanty town in the country of Democratic Republic of Kananga led by General Omar Gutsakillinme. as most people will know that just becuase the word Democratic is in the title means nothing at all as the General is an out and out Dictator. He rules the country with a fist of iron only redeeming feature as far as the west are concerned is that he he is stuanchly Anti-Communist and so his army is supplied mostly by western countries obviously the brown envelopes filled with cash help as well. The Army are well supplied and well trained with some of the best units being Mercenaries.
Thats all I got at the moment except the armies name: Kanangan Resistance Alliance Phalanx
*10 x 3 inches base - Check
*Must have a vehicle on it - Check
*Must have a name badge/sign on it - Check
*Can't just be a banana on a base - Check

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