maandag 17 maart 2025

Entries for the 2025 Special Objective Build - Jimmy James "Uncle Albert's Scrapyard"

 The contest is finished, and these are the entries. Name of the maker, name of the build, backstory and  details about the construction have been added, if available

(These are not presented in order of Alfabet or Publication btw, and each gets their own Blogpost)

Jimmy James  "Uncle Albert's Scrapyard"

In the Republic of Zumo, “Uncle Albert” is the avuncular public face of scrap baron Albert Musonda, a hard nosed businessman who’s made an absolute brick from hustling all sorts of commodities in his time though most recently profiting from being…directly awarded…a contract by President Bernard Dairey to dispose of military scrap and unwanted equipment. It has been rumoured that some of this is not scrapped and recycled at all, but instead sold to local militias who then make use of it in their ramshackle armies. However attempts to investigate have been quashed by the President’s Office, and it has now come to the attention of African Union peacekeepers who regularly descend on the yard to raid and find evidence of untoward activity. None has yet been found.

The main shed was built from a Wills model railway kit (which went together really nicely and I highly recommend), the sign from some plastic letters (the sort you used to see used with a pegboard to lay out the menu at chippies) and coffee stirrers. The scrap car is a cheapo special, 20p from a charity shop - and the corrugated/concrete walls and most of the scrap chod within are from a KORE resin barricade set (again, lovely to work with). I put odds and sods of other rubbish in too to clutter up.

*10 x 3 inches base - Check
*Must have a vehicle on it - Check
*Must have a name badge/sign on it - Check
*Can't just be a banana on a base - Check

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