maandag 17 maart 2025

Entries for the 2025 Special Objective Build - Paul Williams "Harmony Peace School"

  The contest is finished, and these are the entries. Name of the maker, name of the build, backstory and  details about the construction have been added, if available

(These are not presented in order of Alfabet or Publication btw, and each gets their own Blogpost)

Paul Williams "Harmony Peace School"

  The Harmony Peace School promotes understanding between the local tribes and ensures education is available for all.

  A foamcore shell on a Foamex base, barbecue skewer poles for the front walkway and coffee-stirrer window sills. The "playground" is thanks to my youngest son, who suggested that the outside of their school was better because it had play equipment, so I added the swings (3D printing filament scraps heated over a candle and bent into shape for the frame, PVA coated thread for the ropes, coffee-stirrer seats) and the see-saw (coffee-stirrer, barbecue skewer and some bits of cereal packet card. The school bus is a car boot sale find, Matchbox with some repainting and extra details added. The roof is corrugated card on cereal packet card.

*10 x 3 inches base - Check
*Must have a vehicle on it - Check
*Must have a name badge/sign on it - Check, check, and check
*Can't just be a banana on a base - Check


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