maandag 17 maart 2025

Entries for the 2025 Special Objective Build - Paul Williams "Best Africa Garage"

 The contest is finished, and these are the entries. Name of the maker, name of the build, backstory and  details about the construction have been added, if available

(These are not presented in order of Alfabet or Publication btw, and each gets their own Blogpost)

 Paul Williams "Best Africa Garage"

The Best Africa Garage is THE place to go to get your vehicles serviced!

 This is a foamcore shell, with cereal packet roofing clad in bits of a computer game box which was corrugated card with an outer layer that peeled off very easily to reveal the fantastic corrugations inside. The base is a bit of Foamex extruded PVC board (great stuff, hight recommended and off-cuts available free from many signage/exhibition companies), textured with some brown acrclic decorator's caulk. The walls were painted with PVA, then powdered filler was sprinkled on using an old tea strainer. Thsi seems to give a fairly good cement render effect. Window sills are bits of coffee stirrer, the mesh in the rear windows is embroidery netting, the poles for the lean-to round the back are barbecue skewers. The oil drums, tyres, pickup and crate are 3d printed, the Ford Capri is a £1 miscast from Kore. The posters were sourced from the internet, printed on a black & white laser printer and then hand-coloured. I made sure to include a couple of posters for everyone's favourite technical, the Toyota Hilux!

*10 x 3 inches base - Check
*Must have a vehicle on it - Check
*Must have a name badge/sign on it - Check, check, and check
*Can't just be a banana on a base - Check


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