dinsdag 4 maart 2025

Air Traffic Control Tower FINISHED (took me bloody long enough)

 On September 5th 2023 I said:

"Finished the Generator shack, next up weathering of the top part and then painting in the windows. 

Getting there, slowly."


...then I fucked up painting the windows and into the box it went.

During lastnights online painting session I was trying out some now things for the AK47 group Build and it just clicked. Grabbed it from the box and finished it. 18 months to spend about 5 seconds per window

 Jay. Victory. And stuff. <smileyface>

Also nice to see how my style keeps changing/evolving.


Anyhoo, Wadiyan airspace is now controlled by glorious air traffic controllers between 9:00-17:00 business hours, not on sundays and certain holidays. Lunchtime is from 11:00 till 13:00. 

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