Something very simple, not weatherd but just functional - changing a small teabag box into a dice box for my Zona Alfa dice and (future) markers, just to keep it all together for convenience. Teabox was 20 cents at the Goodwill, sticker was 1,38 euros from Uncle Alie and the dice I just grabbed from my way too large box of dice. KISS and all that.
A journey of a man trying to fight his Ooh! Shiney! addiction while painting interesting things at the same time....
dinsdag 4 maart 2025
Zona Alfa Dice box for my S.T.A.L.K.E.R. projects
Air Traffic Control Tower FINISHED (took me bloody long enough)
On September 5th 2023 I said:
"Finished the Generator shack, next up weathering of the top part and then painting in the windows.
Getting there, slowly."
...then I fucked up painting the windows and into the box it went.
During lastnights online painting session I was trying out some now things for the AK47 group Build and it just clicked. Grabbed it from the box and finished it. 18 months to spend about 5 seconds per window
Jay. Victory. And stuff. <smileyface>
Also nice to see how my style keeps changing/evolving.
Anyhoo, Wadiyan airspace is now controlled by glorious air traffic controllers between 9:00-17:00 business hours, not on sundays and certain holidays. Lunchtime is from 11:00 till 13:00.